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Building energy design and optimization: Intelligent computer-aided thermal design

Posted on:1995-08-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Malkawi, Ali MahmoudFull Text:PDF
Thermal comfort is an essential consideration in building design. Due to the mathematical nature of evaluating and optimizing thermal comfort in buildings, architects tend to avoid energy design simulation. The issues of evaluation and criticism regarding energy optimization in building design are seldom considered during the design process. These issues depend on interpretation of the complex figures that rely on a thorough understanding of the nature of load generation and building configuration of a particular site.;The scope of this study is to propose a theory for a rigorous design oriented method to evaluate, critique and optimize energy use and design in buildings. The focus is on the relationship between detailed thermal analysis and advice and criticism for case sensitive energy design optimization. The method is based on a hierarchical representation of building elements in the simulation mode to establish a well-defined output taking into consideration possible element interactions and conflicts. This output is designed to provide changeable factual knowledge of the proposed design and is used to build associations with the inference process and related knowledge sources. The inference process is used to optimize the building energy design by providing criticism and advice. The criticism and advice are conducted based on problem detection and their locations using Artificial Intelligence uncertain reasoning, heuristics and search methods. Their framework utilizes the Blackboard model to facilitate dynamic multi-knowledge interaction and conflict avoidance within problem solving. The proposed method is tested by developing an intelligent computational model that simulates, evaluates and aids in thermal design decisions. The system critiques designs, gives advice and provides guidance and justification for its optimal solution recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thermal, Building, Energy design, Optimization, Advice
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