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The adjustment of younger siblings to the departure from home of an older sibling

Posted on:2002-04-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Indiana UniversityCandidate:Fox, Bryce EdwardFull Text:PDF
GTID:1462390011499350Subject:Individual & family studies
The adjustment of younger siblings when older siblings leave home was explored in this study. The quality of sibling relationships, the age and gender of the younger sibling, gender combinations of sibling dyads (same gender/different gender), and the number of siblings within families were used to predict younger siblings' adjustment to older siblings' leaving home. Three aspects of the quality of sibling relationships were assessed: emotional support from older siblings, time spent together, and social enmeshment of older and younger siblings. Measures of the younger sibling's adjustment included the mother's and younger sibling's report of the younger sibling's adjustment, mother's report of the younger sibling's behavior before and after the older sibling's departure, and the report of the younger sibling's general life satisfaction. Gender and the quality of the sibling relationship before the departure of the older sibling were significantly related to the adjustment of the younger sibling to this natural transition. This research broadens understanding of sibling relationships and the ways in which younger siblings adjust to older siblings leaving home.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sibling, Adjustment, Departure
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