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Essays on diffusion of technical change

Posted on:1999-07-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Los AngelesCandidate:Torero, MaximoFull Text:PDF
This study is an analysis of the diffusion of technology in two different sectors: agriculture and industry. Specifically, it looks at this process of diffusion in two extreme national cases, one in a country with highly developed technology markets, and the other in a country based on traditional agriculture whose domestic markets are much more primitive. Despite what would appear to be stark differences between these two cases, the primary objective of this study is to uncover and explain an important common link, that is, the necessity of the adequate transmission of information to successfully augment the diffusion process. By better understanding this transmission of information, I hope to contribute important information toward the development of new policies of technology-transfer in various local economies. The dissertation is divided in three research papers. The first one analyses the effect of universities on the semiconductor industry; the second one focus on the reasons that affect the time the scientists stay in the university before they decide to move to the industrial sector. Finally, the last paper, analyses the adoption of technological innovation in the Peruvian traditional agriculture and proposes a methodology to identify potential centers of diffusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Diffusion, Agriculture
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