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Promoting pollution prevention with cooperative techniques: A case study of the New England metal finishing industry

Posted on:2001-06-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Vanderbilt UniversityCandidate:Konar, Victoria ChristinaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1461390014459589Subject:Public administration
In the early 1990's, EPA-Region 1 took the unprecedented step of shifting resources away from traditional enforcement activities toward innovative outreach programs like the New England Environmental Assistance Team (NEEATeam). The NEEATeam's objectives are to facilitate compliance with environmental laws, promote the environmental and economic benefits of pollution prevention, and provide technical assistance to encourage pollution prevention.;This study evaluates the NEEATeam's service delivery relative to the needs and characteristics of the target population, namely New England metal finishers. The principal data source is a telephone survey of a stratified sample of New England metal finishers. The three main areas of inquiry framing this investigation are: (1) Is the target population aware of, participating in, and responding to relevant EPA outreach programs? (2) What is the environmental attitude and experience of New England metal finishers? (3) What factors affect firms' environmental decision-making?;The results of this research indicate that the NEEATeam is conceptually workable, that the target population is generally receptive to outreach services, and that positive environmental activities and outcomes are occurring among New England metal finishers. The NEEATeam's flawed implementation and incomplete paper trail make it difficult, however, to draw conclusions about the program's role in generating the positive outcomes reported by the target population.
Keywords/Search Tags:New england metal, Pollution prevention, Target population
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