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The limits of environmental regulations and the implications for mitigation monitoring in California

Posted on:2001-03-11Degree:D.P.D.SType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Wein, Frank BernardFull Text:PDF
GTID:1461390014451830Subject:Political science
Prior to the enactment of AB 3180 in 1989, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) did not have a requirement for agencies to monitor the results of the required mitigation measures imposed on projects, including whether or not the measures were implemented and if the measures were effective. This paper explores the requirements of AB 3180 and seeks to explain the implementation of AB 3180 in light of the literature regarding the limits of regulations, such as: (a) ambiguous legislation; (b) delegation of responsibility to a reactive agency; (c) loss of a supporting constituency; (d) competition and friction between public agencies; (e) the reactive nature of regulatory agencies; (f) the attributes and characteristics of regulatory agencies; and (g) agency decay.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agencies
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