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Human capital and culture impacted by acquisitions and mergers

Posted on:2004-12-30Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Bodam, Gary LFull Text:PDF
The recent explosion of managerial publications, academic studies, and dedicated conferences targeting human capital and culture emphasized the lack of significance attributed to these factors in a merger or acquisition. The purpose of this descriptive research study is to determine to what degree an experiential, simulated intervention process will assist leadership in understanding differences between human capital and culture in a post-merger and acquisition process in a global manufacturing organization. The research study explores the value of leaders' participation in a merger or acquisition simulation that fosters an attitude receptive to human capital and critical cultural success factors in a controlled environment where participants manage and value intangible business assets. The results of the research study hypotheses and answers to the research questions reflected positive changes in participants' attitudes, knowledge and behaviors toward human capital and culture, enabling them to be more successful in a post-merger and acquisition environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human capital, Acquisition
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