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Ni hypersexualisees ni voilees ! Tensions et enjeux croises dans les discours sur l'hypersexualisation et le port du voile ' islamique ' au Quebec

Posted on:2014-09-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Mercier, ElisabethFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390008460793Subject:Womens studies
This dissertation identifies a co-occurrence between the discourses about girl's 'hypersexualization' and those regarding the 'Islamic' practice of veiling, which have been generating similar concerns, discourses and anxieties in Quebec as well as in most Western societies for the past years. More specifically, I propose a 'general economy of discourses' (Foucault, 1976) about hypersexualization and headscarf-wearing, from a conjunctural perspective, and by means of three contexts of analysis: feminist, media, and public. I demonstrate how hypersexualization and headscarf-wearing are problematized (Foucault, 2001/1984), that is to say, how they are produced as concomitant social problems. The dissertation consists of three main chapters that each takes on one of the contexts of problematization. The chapter entitled 'Feminism(s) and Gender Equality', argues that gender equality is invoked as the modern value par excellence within the feminist movement as in Quebec society. As such, gender equality is constitutive of the problems of hypersexualization and headscarf-wearing. The next chapter, 'Media Diversity and (Hyper) Visibility', focuses on the media and popular culture as both subjects and objects of discourse, which produce and define adolescence and Muslim religion/culture as worlds apart, while exposing them to the public. Finally, the chapter entitled 'Secularism, Sexuality, and Neutrality' analyzes the public discourses about hypersexualization and headscarf-wearing and highlights the ways in which these problems are constitutive of charters, codes of conduct and other forms of regulations, in the name of the common good and state's neutrality. In conclusion, I provide a 'look back' on the conjuncture, stressing some issues that crosses the main chapters of the dissertation, such as the questions of consensus and extreme.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dissertation, Hypersexualization
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