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Development of the triangular relationship inventory

Posted on:2014-11-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Missouri - Kansas CityCandidate:Krycak, Romana ChristinaFull Text:PDF
A self-report scale to measure adolescent involvement in his or her parental figures' conflicts, disagreements, or relationships (triangulation) was developed and initial evidence for reliability and validity was provided using a three-study format. In Study 1, the 21-item Triangular Relationship Inventory (TRI) was developed using classical test theory in a sample of college-aged students (n = 405), and found to have a unidimensional factor structure. In Study 2, the unidimensional factor structure was confirmed in a new sample of college-aged students (n = 211). Evidence of reliability was supported with excellent internal consistency reliability. Construct validity was evidenced by confirming the unidimensional factor structure of the TRI. A moderate correlation between the TRI and the Intergenerational Triangulation (INTRI) subscale of the Personal Authority in the Family System Questionnaire (PAFS-Q) indicated criterion related validity. Concurrent validity of the TRI was indicated by a negative correlation between the TRI and the Differentiation of Self Inventory - Short Form (DSI-SF), a positive correlation between the TRI and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist - 21 (HSCL-21), and a positive correlation between the TRI and the State - Trait Inventory of Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA). Discriminant validity was evidenced by a low correlation between the TRI and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Study 3 examined the test-retest reliability of the TRI over a four-week period in a third sample (n = 42), and was found to be strong, at .84. Scoring of the TRI, as well as limitations and applications for future research are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:TRI, Unidimensional factor structure, Inventory
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