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Don DeLillo: An annotated primary and secondary bibliography, 1971--2002

Posted on:2005-07-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:Scott, Christina SFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is a bibliography that catalogues the primary works by Don DeLillo as well as secondary scholarship devoted to those works. The majority of the bibliography is annotated with a few exceptions. The primary work citations are not annotated; interview and reviews are not annotated unless they warrant special attention. The same is true of reference works and other bibliographic studies. The bibliography also includes a list of other dissertations about Don DeLillo as well as an appendix citing books and articles published in foreign languages. Neither of these lists claim authority or even completeness, but are used only give insight to the breadth and depth of DeLillo scholarship in the last 20 years.; The annotations themselves are meant to be instructive and descriptive rather than evaluative. Book entries are merely a description of the contents of the book; entries for anthologies and special issues of journals simply list the names and titles of the contributions. The bulk of the dissertation is the chapter that lists and annotates individual articles along with the contributions from the above anthologies and special issues dedicated to DeLillo's works. Again, these entries are meant to offer the reader insight into the content of this scholarship, not to evaluate worth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Don delillo, Bibliography, Primary, Annotated, Scholarship, Works
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