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Traffic engineering of multicast sessions in multiple network layers

Posted on:2012-11-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at DallasCandidate:Tang, LiminFull Text:PDF
With the rapid growth of internet traffic in recent years, service providers need not only deploy more large-capacity equipment such as high-bandwidth switches, routers and optical fibers, but also more efficient solutions for content delivery over the internet, and multicast is one of them.;There are three problems in applying multicast to current networks. First, networks usually need to handle multiple multicast requests at the same time; second, transmission delay needs to be limited to provide guaranteed quality of service (QoS) for certain types of network traffic; and third, the capability of handling multicast varies greatly in different types of networks.;This dissertation presents a series of algorithms which aim to solve the problems above. These algorithms can be applied to traffic engineering of multicast sessions in different network layers, depending on the characteristics of each layer. Traffic engineering of multicast sessions in four types of networks: overlay networks, multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) networks, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks and optical transport networks (OTN) are explored in this dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traffic, Multicast, Network
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