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The meanings of everyday-lived experiences for individuals in stable recovery from substance dependence

Posted on:2013-05-29Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:California Institute of Integral StudiesCandidate:Pearson, Andrew EugeneFull Text:PDF
Substance and alcohol dependence is a major problem, affecting 9% of the population of the United States. Any individual's motivation to achieve and maintain recovery may be related to what the individual finds to be meaningful in his/her life. Subsequently, knowledge of structures of meaning for recovering individuals may be useful in helping them succeed in recovery. A phenomenological evaluation was undertaken: A photographic technique was used in which each of 11 participants photographed ordinary objects, scenes, and people, and subsequently selected four to six images to talk about during a taped interview, answering open-ended questions designed to elicit statements of meaning. Resulting statements were then organized into individual and aggregate structures of meaning.;As an aggregate, participants reported that giving help to others to achieve recovery feeds back in a positive manner. Regarding receiving help, participants felt that being open to a wide variety of helpers makes a positive difference, while helpers who have negative traits hinder efforts at recovery. Participants asserted that achieving recovery requires being active in a program, and may require "hitting rock bottom." Participants asserted that relationships with children and significant others can be helpful, while relationships with family of origin can hinder recovery efforts. Participants felt that the experience of nature was productive in maintaining recovery, that the experience of loss or death can facilitate initiation or maintenance of recovery, that learning and education are important, and that being spiritually active in a community facilitates recovery efforts. Participants reported that engaging in adaptive selfcare can be very challenging, but is very important in recovery. Finally, the experience of being open to both positive and negative experiences facilitates recovery.
Keywords/Search Tags:Recovery, Experience, Meaning
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