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Voice: Gateway to the numinous

Posted on:2006-10-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Matthews, SelinaFull Text:PDF
The study of the human voice is important to the field of psychology because it is the prevailing, though certainly not exclusive, medium through which most psychologists and psychotherapists conduct their work. A majority of the recent psychological research published on voice focuses much too narrowly on the content of communication, with the voice as the carrier of that content, while generally ignoring or minimizing the qualities of the voice itself, notably its timbre, pitch, tone, texture, volume strength, clarity, rhythm, rate, authenticity, and intention.;This dissertation conceptualizes voice from a depth psychological perspective by focusing on synchronicity, symbols, dreams, and numinous experiences using a thematic hermeneutic approach. Personal vocal experiences and their relationship to the trinity of the Body, Voice, and Soul are described and explored as psychological phenomena that contribute to the effectiveness of what is voiced.;The inherent powers in voice, whether they are inspirational, transformational, wounding, or destructive are also investigated, along with their potential to heal, both oneself and others. Examples are selected from a variety of venues, ranging from the personal and historical then expanding to the divine and archetypal realms of existence, which puts us in contact with some of the universal qualities that the voice can express.;The psychological aspects of voice are addressed by means of vocal sounds and images that comprise an individual's complexes, unconscious and repressed material, inner images, and inner object relationships. Given that voice is a bridge between an individual's body and soul, this research proposes that the human voice is an invaluable transformational area of study for the field of psychology. Clearly, the ability to hear all aspects of voice will deepen and expand the complex expression and understanding of its relationship between of psyche and soma.
Keywords/Search Tags:Voice
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