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A study of divergent TA teaching styles in inquiry-based laboratory education

Posted on:2007-12-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Little, James HFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is a study of the divergent behaviors evidenced by different TAs teaching inquiry based physics laboratories with minimal preparation on how to use techniques such as Socratic dialogue, wait time, and time management. The revised physics laboratory curricula, a four semester laboratory sequence, were studied over the course of two years and one of the laboratory manuals was rewritten and new techniques of TA training developed in order to align TA behavior with the ideals of inquiry based education. This revision was only partially successful, aiding TAs dramatically in improving their time management skills and use of their time, however not yielding dramatic improvements in their use of Socratic dialogue or leading questions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laboratory, Time
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