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Analysis of an organization's need for a coaching program

Posted on:2008-09-13Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Northcentral UniversityCandidate:Klopfenstein, T. WayneFull Text:PDF
GTID:1458390005480336Subject:Business Administration
Scope of study. This study was designed to identify a potential coaching program for the firm in question. Evidence of the need for a coaching program had been identified as a result of surveys previously administered indicating a need for an enhanced training program. It was the intent of the researcher to develop an effective coaching program for the firm for the purpose of organizational effectiveness and overall competitive sustainability based on the background and needs of the firm. Further, this study included the administration of an interview instrument designed to aid the researcher in developing the coaching program.; In support of the potential coaching program, an analysis of existing coaching programs was conducted and included in the literature review. This analysis process aided the researcher in identifying advantages and disadvantages of various coaching programs and laid the groundwork for developing an effective coaching program most fitting to the firm.; Findings and conclusions. Analysis of the data revealed that coaching was successful when appropriately planned and administered in a formal fashion. Also, as applicable to the firm in this study, coaching should be administered primarily by internal coaches as opposed to coaches from external organizations. Additionally, these coaching activities should be focused on specialized disciplines, resolving the issue of the general nature attached to the current training program at this firm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Program, Firm, Need
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