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A management-based CIPP evaluation of a Northern New Jersey school district's Digital Backpack program

Posted on:2012-08-28Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of FloridaCandidate:Bachenheimer, Barry AFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Digital Backpack program in a Northern New Jersey School District using the CIPP Management-Based Evaluation model as a framework. The Stufflebeam (1971) CIPP model is an acronym for Context, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation. A "Digital Backpack" is a rolling computer bag given to K-12 classroom teachers that contains portable digital tools that were used as part of a teacher's instructional practice in conjunction with intensive professional development. Using a mixed-methods approach, this evaluation posed and answered key questions that addressed professional development, technology integration, and student engagement as related to the Digital Backpacks. A cohort of six teachers participated in the program. As evidenced by their responses to a pre- and post-survey and focus group interviews, teachers indicated overall positive attitudes and perceptions towards their professional development. Classroom observations showed participating teachers integrated technology into the classroom in a variety of ways; many of which contributed to high levels of student engagement. Opportunities were created by the teachers for students to use technology in meaningful ways that allowed for creativity, collaboration, and reflection. Implications and recommendations for others wishing to implement similar programs are provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Digital backpack, Program, CIPP, Evaluation
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