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Physical education in New Mexico community colleges: Status and need

Posted on:2006-02-15Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:New Mexico State UniversityCandidate:Baca, ErnestineFull Text:PDF
The present study supports the rationale behind the need for physical education courses and why they should be incorporated in New Mexico community colleges' core curricula. To date, there is no known study of physical education curricula in New Mexico's community colleges. The purpose of this study was to determine: what is the status of physical education programs at New Mexico's community colleges? Therefore, the first step is to examine existing programs. The second step is to create awareness: getting the community college administration and student population to realize that physical education is unavoidable. Maintaining physical exercise and physical fitness should be an ongoing process in a student's life. The fitness of community college students is becoming a concern. In general, students are becoming less and less fit and becoming sedentary (Massengale, 1987). Evidence is mounting daily, as gathered by the U.S. Surgeon General and other medical and health experts, of the importance of quality physical education programs (Hoeger & Hoeger, 2004). Community college administrators intuitively know that physical activity promotes health. This is insufficient. New Mexico community college students should be offered opportunities to participate in physical education and gain the knowledge and skills needed to adopt active lifestyles.; Physical education activities have been a part of some of New Mexico's colleges' curricula for a number of years. The perception is that community college administrators believe physical fitness is very important, but some higher institutions place more emphasis on their academic success rate, rather than their students' fitness level (Blaydes, 2003). Physical activity contributes to students being more alert, more aware, and able to concentrate better. Physical education programs in community colleges provide experiences that will help all individuals develop physically to their fullest potential, regardless of their ability, race, sex, religion, or economic status. Teaching their students the importance of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, could be a responsibility of the New Mexico community colleges. It is time for community colleges to examine their core curriculum and develop strategies to implement a physical education program. Community colleges can make a difference in the health of their students and community's citizens.
Keywords/Search Tags:Physical education, Community colleges, Students, Status
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