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Development of a scale to assess same-gender relationships

Posted on:2013-04-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Keown-Belous, Christopher JFull Text:PDF
There is no empirically-based assessment instrument developed specifically for use with same-gender couples. Assessments developed with heterosexual couples present difficulty in studying same-gender couples as same-gender couples face unique challenges as a marginalized population.;Most research currently available on same-gender couples is focused on the differences between heterosexual and same-gender couples. There is little unique literature exploring the relationships themselves, their characteristics or how same-gender relationships actually function. This research has attempted to bridge that gap in the literature by creating a relationship measure, the Scale for Assessing Same-Gender Relationships (SASC), based on research and theory about same-gender relationships, and empirically validating that measure with an all LG sample – something that has not been done before.;The SASC was developed to assess relationship satisfaction and social support in same-gender relationships. Some items came from the Relationship Assessment Measure for Same-Sex Couples, a measure of same-gender relationship functioning that has not been well validated, with the remainder of the items coming from literature regarding adjustment and satisfaction in same-gender relationships.;An online study was conducted that resulted in a total functional sample size of 295 participants. The sample was diverse in terms of geographic location, age, gender, and sexual orientation/attraction. The SASC was evaluated in Classical Test Theory analyses, as well as with Item Response Modeling. The results support the argument that the SASC is a valid and empirically sound instrument. The final version of the SASC is a 24 item, Likert-scale assessment that is capable of identifying distress in relationships, relationship satisfaction, and levels of perceived social support.;Clinically, the measure is suited for use by therapists working with same-gender couples to assess levels of relationship satisfaction before, during, and after treatment. The instrument can provide researchers with an objective measure for same-gender relationship satisfaction, as well as perceived social support, an important factor in relationship functioning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Same-gender, Relationship, Assess, Social support, Measure, SASC
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