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God Control Among Doctoral Psychology Students: A Compressed Longitudinal Design

Posted on:2014-03-09Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:George Fox UniversityCandidate:Heyne, Laura KFull Text:PDF
Locus of control (LOC) is a robust construct that has received a great deal of attention in scientific and professional psychology over the past four decades. LOC can be defined by a person's attributions that life circumstances are dependent on either his or her own actions (internal) or the actions of external factors. God control or "Surrender" has emerged as an additional spiritual dimension in determining an individual's outcome of life circumstances. Throughout the process of graduate school, LOC may shift as the students develop professionally. The following study examined LOC among 157 graduate students in 5 Christian-based professional psychology programs, including their perceived beliefs of God being in control. Results indicate an increase in internal LOC between second- and third-year, but with the majority of changes occurring between the first and second year, including a decrease in surrender. The shift during the first year of graduate school leads to various possible explanations, including eroding faith, enhancing self-efficacy, rearranging of faith, or overall fatigue. Indications for Christian-based programs are considered.
Keywords/Search Tags:LOC, God, Psychology, Students
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