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Sharing information in a PBS school: Does it help classroom implementation

Posted on:2017-05-03Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Brandman UniversityCandidate:Seheult, Kimberly CFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390005982816Subject:Secondary education
Sharing information in a PBS school: Does it help classroom implementation? by Kimberly C. Seheult School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support seeks to provide positive school climates by recognizing and rewarding positive student behaviors, and has been shown to decrease the use of exclusionary discipline at elementary through secondary schools by preventing negative behaviors. Many of the processes used within this system are implemented at the classroom level, including the collection of data to be used for decision-making. This mixed-method study sought to determine the types of data teachers collect and have access to, and how data effects classroom implementation of SWPBS components. The secondary teacher perspective was sought in Southern California schools implementing SWPBS. Study indicates teachers view data collection and sharing as a way to create consistency in response to student behaviors, and data usage in efforts to better meet the needs of students where data access is permitted. Teachers with data access were found more likely to perceive it as impacting their classroom. Participants in the study indicated appreciation for high positive ratios within the classroom, yet no data collection on this component of SWPBS. However, doubt in the accuracy of data and transparency of data use on the part of administration was also found.
Keywords/Search Tags:Classroom, Data, School, Positive
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