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Teacher evaluation and its impact on teacher practices

Posted on:2006-01-31Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Perez-Orozco, JacquelineFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this case study was to describe and explore the current teacher evaluation process and other political, social, instructional and pedagogical factors that improved teacher practices at a high performing urban intermediate school. The teacher evaluation process was explored in relation to its components of policies, implementation, and teacher/administrator perception. Other factors included other components that the school implemented to support increased student academic efforts, such as instructional leadership, standards-based instruction, school culture and climate and focused academic structures and support.;A high performing urban intermediate school setting in Los Angeles County, California was selected as the case study. Four data collection methods were utilized and analyzed to triangulate the data. Field observations and primary source documents were reviewed and revealed nuances of the policies and occurrences at the school site. Teacher surveys were collected from 34% of the classroom teachers. Seven interviews were conducted with site and district personnel. The interviews were conducted with two district administrators, two site administrators and three classroom teachers.;Analysis of the data revealed that the teacher evaluation process was ineffective to impact teacher practices. The study concluded that other factors existing at the school site; instructional leadership, school climate and culture and a focused structure on standards-based instruction positively impacted teacher practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teacher, School, Site
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