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Occupation duration and intensity: An application of ethnographic analogy and lithic analysis at the Sand Draw Dump Site

Posted on:2010-10-30Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of WyomingCandidate:Bovee, Marit L. NFull Text:PDF
Mobility, how groups move about the landscape, is of great interest to those who study hunter-gatherer populations. One aspect of mobility is the use history of a specific camp location; in particular occupation duration and intensity. This paper addresses the questions of re-occupation and occupation length for the Sand Draw Dump site (48FR3123) in west-central Wyoming. At this Late Prehistoric camp, the remains of 14 structures and several deep roasting pits were recovered. The characteristics of these features are compared with regional ethnographic accounts. The lithics were analyzed in terms of raw material and refitting to argue the site was occupied at least twice for relatively short periods of time. It is hypothesized the site was used for a special purpose, such as processing a specific, but presently unknown, resource.
Keywords/Search Tags:Site, Occupation
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