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Secondary school biology teaching, 1983--2004: *Objectives as stated in periodical literature

Posted on:2007-12-31Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M University - CommerceCandidate:Russell, James W., SrFull Text:PDF
Purpose of the study. The major purpose of this study was to identify and to classify objectives for teaching biology in secondary school in the United States during the period 1983-2004. These objectives were identified by objective statements in articles from selected professional periodicals.;Procedure. The 1983-2004 period was divided into four subperiods on the basis of major historical events. Selected professional periodicals were searched for statements of objectives of secondary school biology teaching. These statements were catalogued into Knowledge, Process, Product, Attitude and Interest, or Cultural Awareness categories. The resulting data were classified within and across the four subperiods according to frequency of occurrence, category, authorship, and year.;Findings. The major findings of this investigation included the following: (1) Authorships in Higher Education produced the most articles and the most statements in each subperiod. Miscellaneous authors produced the least articles and statements. (2) Statements in the Attitude and Interest category were the most frequent in the four subperiods. (3) The "most important" objectives for secondary school biology teaching were Presents major facts, principles, or fundamentals (from the Knowledge category), Expresses scientific attitudes and appreciation, Identifies the nature of science and scientists, and Identifies scientific interest and career development (from the Attitude and Interest category), and Develops scientific method of thinking (from the Process category).;Conclusions. Based on the findings of this investigation, the following conclusions were made: (1) The objectives for teaching secondary school biology were influenced by historical events, especially the publication of A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform in 1983, America 2000 in 1988, Goals 2000 in 1994, No Child Left Behind in 2000. The rapid growth and expansion of technology and the World Wide Web during the time span of the study also influenced the number of objectives. (2) Authors in Higher Education wrote more articles about the objectives for the teaching of secondary school biology than those in Secondary Education or other categories. This was probably a reflection of the "publish or perish" environment in many colleges and universities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Secondary school biology, Objectives, Major
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