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I won't be bullied! An early intervention guide for children

Posted on:2007-08-01Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Pepperdine UniversityCandidate:Bourian, Tamar AFull Text:PDF
Bullying is a widespread and serious problem among our youth, the effects of which are painful, damaging, and long lasting. Although, currently, there are many different types of interventions to deal with the problem of bullying, there is a lack of adequate preventive services for children at-risk for being bullied. To respond to that need, I decided to develop a self-help resource that will provide grade school children with the knowledge and skills they need to prevent them from becoming victims of bullying. After reviewing the existing literature on the topic of bullying and conducting a focus group with educators and clinicians, I developed the resource booklet titled, I Won't Be Bullied! The booklet was evaluated by 17 professionals (1 college professor/researcher, 8 clinicians, 1 school psychologist, 1 educational consultant, 2 school counselors, and 4 teachers) who completed a rating form and provided qualitative feedback. The results of the evaluation have been summarized and recommendations for improving the booklet have been addressed. Distribution of the revised resource booklet can be an efficient and cost-effective way to provide primary and secondary preventive services to a large number of children in elementary school and community organization settings, with the expected benefit of reducing the number of children who become victimized by bullying.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children, Bullying, Bullied, School
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