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Narrating sobriety: Transforming identities in Alcoholics Anonymous

Posted on:2013-05-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Rhode IslandCandidate:Preston, WilliamFull Text:PDF
This dissertation examines transformational narrative and its significance to the alcoholic who desires sobriety. By understanding the connection between narrative and successful sobriety, non-alcoholics, will acquire a clear and unobstructed view of the alcoholic mind. But most importantly, they will gain a better comprehension of how sobriety works. I accomplish this by analyzing the relationship of narrative to the word, to identity, and to Alcoholics Anonymous. Through a combination of first person memoir and the insights of Kenneth Burke and others on the power of narrative, I shed light on the mysteries of alcoholism, the effectiveness of AA, and the relation among narrative, identity and alcoholics. This fresh perspective not only adds unprecedented ideas to the social dialogue, but also has the ability to bridge the gap between alcoholic and non-alcoholic verisimilitude.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alcoholic, Sobriety, Narrative
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