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Local and global cultural encounters and the linguistic negotiation of youth identity in Cyprus

Posted on:2006-11-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Santa BarbaraCandidate:Skapoulli, ElenaFull Text:PDF
The dynamics produced by recent worldwide socioeconomic and political developments have rendered problematic notions of identity as fixed in time and space and have changed the nature of the arena in which questions of identity and culture are expressed and experienced. In particular, globalization presents particular challenges for young people of peripheral societies such as Cyprus, which are moving from tradition to modernity and from homogeneity to multiculturalism. This dissertation explores youth identity performance through an ethnographic study of teenage students in a multiethnic middle school of Cyprus. The research project is concerned with the ways in which young people, drawing on global and local cultural resources, use language to symbolically construct and express youth identity. By highlighting a social and linguistic space outside the spotlight of western scholarship, this dissertation extends and connects the fields of sociolinguistics, youth cultural studies and education with a view to furthering a productive dialogue between them.; The study embraces ethnographic and sociolinguistic methods of research based on the framework of communities of practice. The data consist of participant observations, recorded interactions and in-depth interviews. Identity practices that constitute the focus of analysis in this study are the use of English loanwords, patterns of cell phone use, and various embodiments of western-based discourses of femininity. These practices are examined through the linguistic means by which social relations are mapped out, interactional roles are organized, group-identity boundaries are affirmed and marginal and central identities are constructed.; The data suggest that global cultural resources are inextricably linked to local configurations of gender, ethnicity and status in the peer group. Despite the widespread conceptions of cultural homogenization and the elimination of geographic boundaries under globalization, this research provides compelling evidence that locality remains paramount in young people's lives. Young people may look globally for cultural identifications, but it is in local communities that they audition, embody and adapt these identities in order to make them meaningful. This study reveals the importance of studying globalization locally with particular attention to language, because language mediates the local/global social experience and reflects the variability of identity in specific social settings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Identity, Local, Cultural, Global, Linguistic, Social
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