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A typology of problems learners encounter in online learning environments

Posted on:2006-01-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Colorado at DenverCandidate:Batty, Michael SFull Text:PDF
A typology of the kinds of problems learners may encounter in an online learning environment was developed and used in the study of three online classes to explore the kinds of problems learners encountered in those environments, how learners responded to the problems, and possible connections between solving or not solving problems and learner satisfaction and persistence. The three classes selected for this study were taught entirely online using the WebCT(TM) learning management system. One instructor taught all three classes. The instructor previously taught the classes and he had experience teaching online using WebCT(TM).; The original typology of problems included technical, institutional, instructional design, dispositional, situational/environmental, and social problems. During the study three changes were made to the typology: the dispositional category was removed, the instructor category was added, and the definition of the situational/environmental category was expanded.; All problems reported by learners fit into the typology of problems. Learners were observed using one of four strategies---keep on task, try it again later, ask for help, and ignore the problem---to solve problems they encountered. All learners who participated in the study completed the classes; therefore, there was no observed effect on learner persistence. Frustration and confusion were observed most often when learners encountered technical, instructional design, and instructor problems. Indicators of dispositional problems were not sufficient to warrant a separate category in the typology. The typology of problems and learner affective responses were important in understanding the findings and indicate areas for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Typology, Learners, Online
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