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Bystander behavior: Understanding undergraduate male involvement in dangerous drinking situations

Posted on:2012-12-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Loyola University ChicagoCandidate:Waugh, Christopher AFull Text:PDF
Problem drinking leaves a troubling wake on college campuses throughout the United States. This dissertation explores to what extent male college student bystanders involved in dangerous drinking situations intervene and to what extent information and training in specific bystander skills improves their likelihood to be effective, engaged bystanders. Many germane themes emerge in this study, including: a priority for undergraduate males on social activities, a lack of undergraduate male empathy for male peers, and absent sense of undergraduate male responsibility for self and others. Further, the study presents a new typology for the disengaged male, undergraduate bystander, including recommendations for campus educators in supporting this population.
Keywords/Search Tags:Male, Undergraduate, Bystander, Drinking
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