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The effects of progressive muscle relaxation on chronic tinnitus: Results of a controlled treatment study

Posted on:2005-03-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at AlbanyCandidate:Freidenberg, Brian MichaelFull Text:PDF
Tinnitus is the perception of sounds (e.g., ringing or buzzing) despite the absence of external acoustic stimuli. For some, tinnitus can be chronic and very distressing, thus leading to psychological distress and daily life impairment. Participants with chronic tinnitus were randomly assigned to one of two conditions (immediate or delayed treatment). In this study, 17 completers of immediate progressive muscle relaxation treatment were compared to 17 completers of delayed progressive muscle relaxation. Results indicate significant differences between the two conditions over time on level of annoyance from tinnitus, level of depression from tinnitus, control over tinnitus, and life satisfaction. Due to low power in some analyses, effect sizes were examined as well. Moderate effect sizes were found for time aware of tinnitus, functional and emotional impairment from tinnitus, impairment in general, interference with daily activities, psychological distress from tinnitus, and degree of tinnitus problem. Implications are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tinnitus, Progressive muscle relaxation, Chronic
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