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Health Literacy and Health Promotion Behaviors Among Samoans

Posted on:2013-01-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of San DiegoCandidate:Tong, KatherineFull Text:PDF
Approximately 12 % of the US adult population has adequate health literacy (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2004). Limited health literacy is associated with lack of knowledge and underutilization of preventive services (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention [CDC], 2009, Hughes, Hannon, Harris, & Patrick, 2010). There is a paucity of studies on health literacy and health promotion in Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs), including the Samoan population, who have increased incidences of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes (McGarvey & Seiden, 2010). This descriptive correlational study was designed to examine the relationship of health literacy, as measured by the Short form Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA), to health promotion behaviors using the Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) in a Samoan population in southern California.;This investigation will identify existing health literacy levels in this population and determine if there is a correlation between health literacy and health promoting behaviors. If limited health literacy is related to poor health outcomes in the Samoan population, we need to know how we can improve health literacy skills to increase health promotion behaviors. Although, many people can read and write, they often have difficulty understanding health care information. The concept of health literacy refers to people's ability to navigate the health care system and make informed decisions regarding their health care. Since nurses play an important role educating and providing health care information to patients, it is imperative that nurses understand the challenges of those who have limited health literacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health literacy, Population, Samoan
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