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Elaboration et validation empirique d'un modele de consultation individuelle aupres des enseignants afin de favoriser l'inclusion scolaire de l'enfant ayant un TDAH

Posted on:2012-09-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Nadeau, Marie-FranceFull Text:PDF
Classroom management interventions, such as behavior and academic strategies, are well-established interventions for improving social behavior and academic skills of children with ADHD (DuPaul & Eckert, 1997; Hoza, Kaiser, & Hurt, 2008; Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Zentall, 2005). However, bridging the gap between research and practice raises the question of the practicality of interventions. Therefore, results from controlled studies need to be replicated in regular classrooms with a format that takes into account the practicality of the intervention. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of a consultation-based program for teachers (CPT), using a problem-solving approach and a functional assessment to support elementary school teachers in the knowledge of the principles, design and implementation of classroom management evidence-based practices for children with ADHD. First, a review of the literature identifying the main interventions for ADHD children is presented. Then, the consultation-based program for regular class teachers involving solutions in the implementation of these evidence-based strategies in the classroom is detailed. Finally, the evaluation of the CPT implemented with thirty-seven child-teacher pairs is presented. All children were diagnosed as ADHD and received a stimulant medication treatment (M). The parents of some of these children had previously participated in a parent-training program (PTP). The final group composition is: M (n = 4); M + PTP (n = 11), M + CPT (n = 11), M + PTP + CPT (n = 11). Findings confirm the effectiveness of the CPT above and beyond M, and M + PTP to prevent the intensification of inappropriate behaviors and to improve academic performance of ADHD children. Results also indicate that teachers who participated in the CPT and had previous continuing education on ADHD showed a significant improvement of their classroom management strategies. Overall findings offer valuable information for discussing clinical implications for the psychosocial treatment of ADHD children.;Keywords: evidence-based practice, school intervention, multimodal intervention, teacher consultation-based, efficient strategies, regular classroom, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Keywords/Search Tags:ADHD children, Strategies, Classroom, CPT, Interventions, PTP
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