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Information system utilization among community mental health centers

Posted on:2006-12-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of South DakotaCandidate:Oliver, Matthew N. IFull Text:PDF
Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) are being challenged to become more cost-efficient while continuing to provide high quality, accessible services. Current research suggests that clinically linked information systems are often underutilized in CMHCs. Moreover, it is not clear how CMHCs have utilized information technologies to respond to the evolving challenges presented by managed care. Thus, the purpose of the study was to examine information system utilization among a sample of CMHCs across the United States. More specifically, this study examined factors that may be related to organizational utilization of information systems to manage fiscal and clinical treatment resources. A survey assessing information system automation, development, and budget as well as services, outcome measures, staff training and attitudes was developed for this study. It was mailed to the 712 directors of member organizations of the National Council for Community Behavioral Health (NCCGH), with the specific request that only CMHC directors complete the survey. Ninety-six CMHC directors returned completed surveys. Results indicated that CMHC directors valued computerized information systems to monitor and evaluate financial and clinical information. While they tended to use information systems to monitor clinical outcomes, the number of outcomes monitored was relatively small. Overall, respondents tended to hold negative views towards managed care though, contrary to predictions, attitudes towards managed care and utilization of information systems were not related. When evaluating the relationships between attitude towards information system utilization and organization scalability, service spectrum, and setting population, only the number of full time employees predicted favorable information system attitudes (more employees, more favorable attitudes). Finally, no relationship was found between organizational resistance to information system utilization and the amount staff training or proportion of the CMHCs budget allocated towards information system training. Implications of these results for future research on CMHC information system utilization and for successful implementation of cost-effective treatment service delivery strategies are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information system, CMHC, Health, Cmhcs
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