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Computer learning and usage by older adults

Posted on:2014-08-08Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M University - CommerceCandidate:Albert, Fannie JohnsonFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the computer skills, computer learning experiences, computer usage patterns, perceived benefits, and perceived computer training needs of computer-using older adults to offer guidance to community colleges in their quest to meet the computer needs of this population. The survey instrument used in this study was an adaptation of a survey used in a previous study, The Pursuit of Computer Literacy: How Older Women Learn, conducted by Rita Rosenthal (2005).;The web-based survey instrument was distributed online through SurveyMonkey. Older adults currently enrolled in computer courses at one of the Dallas County Community College District's colleges participated in the study. Data were analyzed using a t test and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Statistical differences were found in the levels of computer skills of older adults based on educational levels. No significant differences were found in the levels of computer skills of older adults based on ethnic groups or gender groups. No significant differences were found in the perceived benefits of computer use of older adults based on educational level, ethnic group, or gender. Recommendations for future study were provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Computer, Older adults
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