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Reaching the heart of the city the street-smart way: Strategic principles for urban ministry

Posted on:2005-09-11Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Asbury Theological SeminaryCandidate:Sandoval, DanFull Text:PDF
The city is a unique and challenging environment in which to share the gospel in today's twenty-first century. Around the world, city dwellers live in complex, urban societies and cultures. The ever-increasing population of cities presents a staggering multiplicity of social needs along with opportunities for the Church to reach people with the message of salvation.;The purpose of this study was to research three innovative and fruitful ministries in the city of Miami, Florida, to gather principles for an effective urban ministry. Understanding the context and the people of the city, I have coined these organizations “street-smart ministries.”...
Keywords/Search Tags:City, Urban
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