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The use of action research for designing and implementing a train-the-trainer program at a pharmaceutical company

Posted on:2006-09-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:White, Melissa MFull Text:PDF
Simply placing employees into the role of trainer is not enough for them to grasp what this role means. Organizations can define the ongoing routine of training to trainers through the design and implementation of a train-the-trainer program. A train-the-trainer program is the first step to ensure consistency of training methods. Train-the-trainer programs have a broad range of benefits beginning with the creation of change in an individual trainer and ultimately reaching a change in organizational culture. The amount of change is reliant on upper-level support of the program, the level of influence the facilitator has over trainers, and the level of influence the trainers have over their trainees. Change in trainers is observed through the use of action research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Train-the-trainer program, Trainers, Change
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