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Development of a domain and solver independent method for mechanical engineering embodiment design

Posted on:2005-11-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Summers, Joshua DFull Text:PDF
Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems and tools have been primarily focused on the detailed design stage for mechanical engineering design, providing the user with flexibility and guidance through the later stages of the design process. Recognizing that many of the decisions required for realization of the design artifact are found earlier in design, such as at embodiment design, it is logical to seek to develop design tools for embodiment design. A key issue in developing new intelligent CAD tools is knowledge representation. Engineering knowledge has been represented in many forms, such as rules, procedures, features, frames, and semantic networks. This knowledge may be domain-dependent; a severe limitation for exchange and re-use of design knowledge because of the need for specialized reasoning systems. A standard representation structure that is capable of encapsulating this knowledge would be a useful tool.; This research is an investigation of the use of the design exemplar in embodiment design as a new knowledge representation structure. The design exemplar provides a standard representation of mechanical engineering design knowledge based upon a canonically derived set of entities and relations. The data structure of the design exemplar is used to declaratively represent geometric and parametric design problems. The general design exemplar algorithm, through solving entity-relation problems, has the capability to facilitate four basic design tasks: pattern-matching, querying, validating, and modifying.; The concept of integrating atomic design exemplars into composite networks for performing complex design tasks is introduced as a tool for developing and applying the design exemplar in engineering design automation.{09}Two systems have been developed to illustrate the use of the design exemplar in both generative design (exemplar networking and design tool) and variant design (case-based design tool) problem types. This research contributes to the field of design automation by extending the use and understanding of the design exemplar through the introduction of the exemplar network and associated algorithms. The case-based design tool provides a domain independent and solver independent shell for the development of domain-specific user-defined case-based design problems. Entity-relation solver technology is extended to support new relations appropriate for embodiment design problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embodiment design, Mechanical engineering, Solver, Design exemplar, Design problems, Case-based design, Tool, Independent
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