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Antecedents, Attitudes, and Behaviors toward Recycling Among American Households

Posted on:2014-10-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Kupreisis, Kimberley AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1451390008450610Subject:American Studies
Although the United States recycles 34% of municipal solid waste, the remaining 66% is creating immense garbage and contributing to an unsustainable future. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedents, attitudes, and behaviors toward recycling among American households. Recycling initiatives by federal government policy were handed down to city and local governments to encourage recycling by their citizens; however, without clear direction, these initiatives have faltered. More evidence-based research on attitudes and behaviors toward recycling may contribute to a better synergy between local governments and their constituents in successful recycling and waste management. A phenomenological approach was utilized to investigate how and why individuals are recycling. A convenience sample of 21 participants was recruited by public posting until saturation was achieved. Participant surveys and face-to-face individual interviews were conducted to examine the attitudes and behaviors of the participants. Utilizing previous research identifying the sustainable consumer by Gilg, Barr, and Ford, participants were categorized into 4 environmentalist groups. These 4 groups will assist local government in creating a baseline of current recycling activity. Inductive themes suggested that individuals understand the benefits of recycling on the environment and a sustainable future. However, without the right tools, recycling will be minimal at best. Knowledge of what created the attitudes and behaviors to recycle and what can generate greater recycling efficiencies will be beneficial for increasing positive social change. These findings can be used by local government over time to measure, generate, and increase recycling behaviors and in turn lead to a greater sustainable future by decreasing overall municipal solid waste.
Keywords/Search Tags:Recycling, Behaviors, Attitudes, Waste
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