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E-Commerce Perceptions of Small Furniture Retailers

Posted on:2014-08-11Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Morgan, Justin DavidFull Text:PDF
GTID:1451390005996362Subject:Business Administration
From 2005 to 2010, the small retail furniture industry underwent a contraction of almost 19%. One possible explanation for this contraction is the emergence of electronic commerce and technology in the marketplace, which is changing the way that consumers shop and purchase furniture. This qualitative study explored the thoughts, beliefs, and experiences of small furniture retailers in the largest 20 metropolitan areas of the United States in regards to the benefits and challenges that the expansion of e-commerce has had on the small retail furniture industry. Using the general systems theory, this phenomenological study was conducted to investigate strategies that small furniture retailers can utilize to sustain profitability. Interviews with 21 small furniture retail business owners were performed and transcribed. The transcriptions were then coded and analyzed using network diagrams. From this analysis, 5 overarching themes emerged. These themes included good customer service and building brand loyalty as the most vital aspects of a small furniture retailer's success. Another recurring theme was the consensus that a website and online marketing were cost-effective, necessary tools that all furniture retailers must use to help consumers understand their products, services, and promotions. By sharing the executive summary of this study in industry publications and trade shows, small furniture retailers may benefit from the study conclusions, which consist of proven business-strategy recommendations that retailers should incorporate into their operations. The implications for positive social change include better sustainability for small furniture retailers, leading to stronger economies and better job growth in their local communities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Furniture, Small
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