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The creative process and leadership

Posted on:2008-06-11Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Seattle UniversityCandidate:Gilbert, Barbara SmithFull Text:PDF
This research examined the creative process as a resource for 21 st century leadership. Data were collected from intensive interviews with twelve artists and artist/leaders. The twelve subjects were chosen through targeted sampling to represent a range of artistic mediums and leadership roles. Ways in which heightened awareness of interconnections may be experienced by artists and artist/leaders; training and/or experience in the creative process through the arts that may inform leadership practice; and ways in which leadership may be informed by spirituality are considered in this research study.; Interviews revealed the creative process for these subjects to include a heightened awareness of interconnections with: (1) the natural world, (2) the inner world, and (3) the physical medium. The study explored subjects' descriptions and means of cultivating these three creative process elements and analyzed ways in which these elements may inform leadership as well as spirituality. The three identified elements of the creative process were described by subjects as entailing for them a sense of wholeness, exploration and pleasure. Subjects cultivated the elements through observation, solitude, dreams and play. Leadership skills developed through these elements were described as including the ability to embrace paradox, practice reflection and take risks. In addition, spiritual disciplines developed through these three creative process elements may include the practice of presence, meditation, and incarnation or embodying spirit.; The study concluded that the creative process may inform leadership and spirituality suited to an interdependent, diverse world that is both secular and multi-religious. It recommended creative process leadership development as a means of nurturing imaginative leadership for a global 21st century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Creative process, Leadership, Education
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