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Information technology infrastructure development in the Southern Africa Development Community: A survey analysis

Posted on:2008-07-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Ncube, ZibusisoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390005478286Subject:Business Administration
The purpose of this research study was to concisely present a strategic plan for developing information technology (IT) infrastructure in the Southern Africa Development Community region. The main objective of this process was to check with the proper regulations for the development the researcher was working on, at the same time being flexible to the needs of the people in the community. The study employed a survey analysis methodology. The study dealt with specification and design of infrastructure, human/machine interface design analysis, software and hardware product quality evaluation, reliability management, product and service performance measurement, and project support activities. The results of this study indicated that once the infrastructure is constructed and the standards adopted, the development and delivery of information technology will be easily accessible in those countries within the region. The physical planning process is dynamic and cyclical, as are most other planning and development processes. This study found that flexibility in the region's information technology infrastructure development contributes significantly to the region's ability to gain competitive advantage in the market place. Therefore, continued investment in the region's infrastructure development should pay off for the regions organizations as they will be able to gain, and sustain competitive advantage over their rivals. Future studies should focus on regional development policies and what impact they have on the socio economic indicators and industrial structures in the region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development, Information technology, Infrastructure, Community
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