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An enterprise resource planning model for organizational success through operational velocity attainment

Posted on:2007-06-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:George Mason UniversityCandidate:Stephenson, Stephen VFull Text:PDF
The following dissertation introduces a new enterprise resource-planning model that helps ensure organizational success through operational velocity attainment. Operational velocity is defined as speed in delivering products or services to market meeting all customer expectations in a timely manner, and decreasing time for the appearance of a positive revenue stream as much as possible. This new model, the evolutionary Enterprise Resource Planning Architecture Framework, may be used to enable an enterprise to tailor its organizational process lifecycle by addressing the operational environment throughout its evolution with the objective being operational velocity attainment. Operational velocity attainment requires an evolutionary approach to address the operational challenges that might be associated with a new startup enterprise, which is launching new technologies into the marketplace, or with an established mature enterprise seeking to transform itself, as will be referenced later. The enterprise resource-planning model will vary between organizations and organizational units, since it will need to be tailored to address the specific operational situation extant. The enterprise resource planning model may be used to define the organizational structure of the enterprise and its complementary enterprise resource planning architecture in order to address the operational needs of the enterprise. Measures of effectiveness are used to indicate the degree of success in operational velocity attainment. This dissertation will focus on five key areas: (1) Operational Velocity Attainment; (2) Evolutionary Enterprise Resource Planning Model; (3) Enterprise Resource Planning Architecture; (4) Organizational Process Lifecycle; (5) Measures of Effectiveness. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise resource, Operational velocity attainment, Planning model, Organizational, Success, New
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