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A systems theory approach to analyzing community rehabilitation program employment outcomes

Posted on:2009-05-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of IdahoCandidate:Fischer, Lynn K. KFull Text:PDF
This study used systems theory to investigate employment outcomes for Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs) in a rural Northwestern state. Micro-, meso-, and exo-system variables were examined. Micro-system variables were mean rate of pay, hours worked, and hours billed per job per week. Participants were 26 CRPs supporting clients in 836 supported employment jobs and 477 work services positions. 23% of the jobs were held by clients with more severe disabilities. Means for supported employment were ;Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship of meso-system variables of CRP size, location, and association membership on micro-system variables. Most CRPs were small (53%), rural (69%) and belonged to at least 1 professional organization (81%). Results suggested that small urban CRPs that were members of an association had higher rates of pay, hours worked and hours billed.;Analyzing the relationship of exo-system variables of accreditation agency, severity of disability and type of organization revealed that the rate of pay for work services was higher for agencies accredited by Agency B. For supported employment, jobs held by clients with less severe disabilities had more hours worked and fewer hours billed. Most of the CRPs were accredited by Agency B (73%). For-profit and not-for-profit organizations were equally represented and each CRP served a mix of severe and more severe disabilities.;Recommendations included collaboration between CRPs to influence stakeholders, formation of marketing and business coalitions, and use of associations to access state and federal programs (State Use and JWOD) for jobs that pay higher wages and provide more hours of employment. Recommendations for other employment system participants included following up on the relationships identified in this study. Obtaining more detailed information and a larger sample might allow for more sophisticated statistical analysis. Sharing this information with other stakeholders along with an orientation to systems theory would encourage informed policy making and cooperation in achieving optimum employment outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employment, Systems theory, Crps
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