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Frankenfood meets the gastronome: A philosophical analysis of some ontological and axiological aspects of the genetic modification of food

Posted on:2011-03-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Vander Schaaf, AnthonyFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is an investigation of some of the philosophical issues concerning the genetic modification of food. I begin with the presentation of a preliminary ontology of food, during the course of which I layout the thin, minimal conception of ''food'' and the thick, vague conception of good food. I provide an explanation of genetically modified food (GM food) and adduce some examples. I address some of the extrinsic and intrinsic ethical objections to GM food, including the "Unnatural Objection" and the "Playing God" objection. Some considerations from aesthetics and the virtue theory perspective are scrutinized. I argue that an aretaic approach to food ought to include insights from gastronomy. In the end, I argue that GM food is not necessarily incompatible with the thick, vague conception of good food and that the most defensible position to adopt vis a vis GM food is one of limited endorsement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food
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