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Using augmented virtuality to improve human-robot interactions

Posted on:2007-08-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Brigham Young UniversityCandidate:Nielsen, Curtis WFull Text:PDF
GTID:1448390005476507Subject:Computer Science
Mobile robots can be used in situations and environments that are distant from an operator. In order for an operator to control a robot effectively he or she requires an understanding of the environment and situation around the robot. Since the robot is at a remote distant from the operator and cannot be directly observed, the information necessary for an operator to develop an understanding or awareness of the robot's situation comes from the user interface. The usefulness of the interface depends on the manner in which the information from the remote environment is presented.; Conventional interfaces for interacting with mobile robots typically present information in a multi-windowed display where different sets of information are presented in different windows. The disjoint sets of information require significant cognitive processing on the part of the operator to interpret and understand the information. To reduce the cognitive effort to interpret the information from a mobile robot, requirements and technology for a three-dimensional augmented virtuality interface are presented. The 3D interface is designed to combine multiple sets of information into a single correlated window which can reduce the cognitive processing required to interpret and understand the information in comparison to a conventional (2D) interface.; The usefulness of the 3D interface is validated, in comparison to a prototype of conventional 2D interfaces, through a series of navigation- and exploration-based user-studies. The user studies reveal that operators are able to drive the robot, build maps, find and identify items, and finish tasks faster with the 3D interface than with the 2D interface. Moreover, operators have fewer collisions, avoid walls better, and use a pan-tilt-zoom camera more with the 3D interface than with the 2D interface. Performance with the 3D interface is also more tolerant to network delay and distracting sets of information.; Finally, principles for presenting multiple sets of information to a robot operator are presented. The principles are used to discuss and illustrate possible extensions of the 3D interface to other domains.
Keywords/Search Tags:3D interface, Robot, Operator, Information, Presented
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