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Antecedents of job search success for NAFTA-eligible dislocated workers

Posted on:2009-12-14Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:St. Ambrose UniversityCandidate:Murphy, Cindy CFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of personality factors, job search strategies, demographics, and academic factors regarding NAFTA-eligible dislocated workers and their successful transition back into the workforce. Downsizing and plant closings will continue to be a fact of life in America, especially as free trade agreements continue to be created. Understanding the factors that are linked to job search success for dislocated workers will give future dislocated workers better information on which to build their plans, ultimately leading to better success for the workers. It will also allow community colleges to prepare better orientation programs and training for these workers, further adding to the workers success.; A mail survey of a group of NAFTA-eligible dislocated workers in southeast Iowa was completed, and the information obtained was compared with demographic and archival data to develop statistics regarding the success of the workers. A return rate on the survey of 50% was achieved. It was anticipated that certain of the personality factors would impact job search success, as would the strategies used. It was also anticipated that academic factors would predict future level of success. The data showed some support for these factors. Specifically, job search self-efficacy, job search intensity, willingness to relocate, completing a training program, and ASSET scores indicating high numerical ability are related to job search success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Job search, Dislocated workers, Factors
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