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A thorough and efficient education: School funding, student achievement and productivity

Posted on:2011-10-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Indiana State UniversityCandidate:Ahlgrim, Richard WFull Text:PDF
Many school districts are facing stagnant or reduced funding (input) concurrent with demands for improved student achievement (output). In other words, there is pressure for all schools, even those schools with student populations of low socioeconomic status, to improve academic results (accountability for output) without a directly proportionate increase in resources (adequacy of input); in essence, to improve productivity. This study (a) examined the productivity of Indiana school districts, (b) analyzed the effect of student populations of low socioeconomic status on district productivity, and (c) explored the change in district productivity since the passage of accountability legislation. In Research Question...
Keywords/Search Tags:Student, Productivity, School
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