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The influence of small class size, duration, intensity, and heterogeneity on Head Start fade

Posted on:2011-01-16Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Seton Hall UniversityCandidate:Huss, Christopher DFull Text:PDF
The researcher conducted a nonexperimental study to investigate and analyze the influence of reduced class sizes, intensity (all day and every day), duration (five years), and heterogeneity (random class assignment) on the Head Start Fade effect. The researcher employed retrospective data analysis using a longitudinal explanatory design on data obtained from students in an urban-fringe district in New Jersey. The academic achievement data used as the primary measures of achievement in this study were the 1st and 2nd grade Terra Nova test results and outcomes on the 3 rd grade New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJASK3).;Data revealed that students who were members of the treatment group, under most of the theory's conditions, did not perform significantly better on multiple independent t-tests than students who were not members. Data revealed that being a member of the treatment group minimally influenced achievement, as measured by using Cohen's d (effect size). Data also revealed that students who were members of the treatment group performed nearly equal to, or lower than, their peers, as measured by state and district factor group (DFG) averages on the NJASK3.;At first, study findings appear to be inconsistent with the theoretic construct and scientific-based research on the influence of early intervention, class size, intensity, duration, and heterogeneity, especially with regard to students from lower economic stature. Upon closer scrutiny, however, study findings provided data that confirmed what is stated in the theory, that when not implemented correctly, class size reduction (CSR) initiatives are ineffective. In this study, the researcher also tracked the influence that effective programs such as the Perry Child Development Center, the Abecedarian Program, and the Chicago Parent Centers had on eliminating or moderating the fade effect. The researcher compared and contrasted these model programs with the one offered in the present study to highlight the importance of consistency when implementing conditions of a theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Class size, Influence, Intensity, Duration, Heterogeneity, Researcher
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