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Dynamic language learning: Comparing mobile language learning with online language learning

Posted on:2008-12-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Shih, Yuhsun EFull Text:PDF
The abundant features and availability of mobile technologies enhance the feasibility of mobile language learning. However, the question of how foreign, second language learning results are impacted remains unanswered. The proposed research project was based on learning Chinese using a randomized experimental research design; two second language learning groups; two learning environments; and included data collection, analysis, and comparison of learning results in two groups. Methods for learning included mobile learning with Smart phones, and online learning with personal computers. An ANOVA analysis of language learning results plus surveys of learning experiences provided measurable results and will contribute to new guidelines for the application of mobile technologies in foreign, second language learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language learning, Mobile
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