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Designing performance objectives to improve English language proficiency: Conceptualizing a call-integrated listening curriculum at Delaware Technical & Community College, Jack F. Owens Campus

Posted on:2008-07-17Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Schranck, Susan RFull Text:PDF
Proficiency in listening comprehension is a Program Graduate Competency in the ESL Certificate Program at Delaware Technical & Community College. A 2004 assessment of student outcomes at the Owens Campus revealed that students did not meet established benchmarks on a standardized assessment of listening comprehension. These outcomes prompted a review of the instructional resources for the Owens Campus ESL program and resulted in the acquisition of a computer-assisted language learning (CALL) center.;The process of integrating CALL resources highlighted the need to refine our performance objectives for listening comprehension. Using the Wiggins and McTighe model of backward design, I evaluated the objectives in the advanced level course. Interviews with students and faculty, combined with a literature review of second language acquisition theory related to listening comprehension, identified the listening skills and behaviors students need to develop in order to ensure their readiness to enroll in general education and introductory level degree and diploma courses at Delaware Tech. Academic readiness is the goal of the ESL Certificate Program.;In this Executive Position Paper, I recommend performance objectives for listening comprehension. I also address issues that affect the successful implementation of these performance objectives. These issues include assessment strategies, teacher training and student access.
Keywords/Search Tags:Performance objectives, Listening, Delaware, ESL, Language, Owens, Program
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