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French language revitalization in northern Maine

Posted on:2007-09-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DenverCandidate:Metz, Doris MFull Text:PDF
In this study, a brief history of the French settlement of the St. John Valley of Maine is described along with how the heritage of the French ethnic group continues to survive despite its current struggles to revitalize the French language in an American community. The review of the literature touches upon language diversity, bilingual education in the United States, American and Canadian bilingual education policy, second language learning and acquisition, the hidden curriculum, group membership and identification, and language revitalization and maintenance issues. The conceptual framework for this study was based in sociolinguistics.; This collective case study examines the French language revitalization attempt currently underway in the rural northern Maine community of New Hope. Focused primarily on Violette Elementary School, four self-contained classroom elementary teachers composed the cases for this study. New Hope School District implemented in the early 1990s an elementary French language program in an attempt to assist in the revitalization of the French language. This study examines the attitudes, values, and beliefs the adults in this community and school have toward the French language and how they impact the formation of the same in school children. The hidden curriculum is also examined by observing adults in Violette Elementary School implementing (or not) the district mandated French language curriculum as well as the influence parents and community members have on children as they formulate their own attitudes and values toward the French language.; The findings of this study assert that French language revitalization be a concerted effort by the district and school, the families of children in the school and within the community, along with community members. New Hope School District needs to address the current French language curriculum to ensure it is meeting the French language needs of students and teachers in the school. Adults should shun using the "secret language". More opportunities should be afforded for children to speak the French language in a variety of situations and contexts, within the home, school, and community. The town's continued support through emotional and financial resources is also a necessary component of the revitalization of the French language.
Keywords/Search Tags:French, Revitalization, School
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