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An analysis of the motivation to achieve among African American tenth grader students

Posted on:2009-11-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:TUI UniversityCandidate:Love, Lanel DilaneFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390002999524Subject:Black Studies
This research study examined the relationship between student motivation to achieve and achievement related work habits and factors pertaining to a student's inner resources and interpersonal strengths among African American students in the 10th grade. Also of interest to this study was whether or not the relationships between each of the individual outcome variables measuring student motivation to achieve and achievement motivation work habits and each set of predictor variables statistically significantly varied with respect to gender. The primary outcome variables, as well as the predictor variables were measured via the Achievement Motivation Profile (AMP) survey instrument. In accordance with this survey instrument, student motivation to achieve was measured via the following subscales: (a) achievement motivation, (b) competitiveness, and (c) goal orientation. Achievement related work habits was measured via the following subscales: (a) planning and organization, (b) initiative, and (c) team player. Inner resources was measured via the following subscales: (a) relaxation; (b) happiness; (c) patience; and (d) self-confidence. Interpersonal strengths was measured via the following subscales: (a) assertiveness; (b) personal diplomacy; (c) extraversion; and (d) cooperativeness. The relationships between and among each of these latent constructs and corresponding variables were analyzed via canonical correlation procedures. A series of hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to further examine the extent and manner in which these relationships vary with respect to gender.;The results of this analysis indicated that the relationship between the composite variate measuring motivation to achieve and the set of variables measuring the latent construct of inner resources (i.e., relaxed style, happiness, patience, and self-confidence) was found to be statistically significant. The relationship between the composite motivation to achieve and the xv set of variables measuring interpersonal strengths (i.e., degree of assertiveness, willingness to act diplomatically; external/internal orientation, and cooperativeness in relationships) was found to be statistically significant. The relationship between the composite variate measuring achievement related work habits and the set of variables measuring the latent construct of inner resources was found to be statistically significant. The relationship between the composite variate measuring achievement related work habits and the set of variables measuring interpersonal strengths was found to be statistically significant. These findings have important implications for fostering student motivation to achieve and achievement related work habits among African American high school students and contribute to the existing research literature addressing various facets of student motivation to achieve and achievement related work habits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Motivation, Achievement related work habits, Student, Among african american, Measured via the following subscales, Relationship between the composite variate, Variables measuring, Composite variate measuring
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